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Shared Mobility Views


Shared Transport: sharing your journey, or your car, or your EV charging point with others

We are working with Derbyshire County Council, Buxton Town Team and Midlands Connect and Cenex to trial a digital platform about shared transport.

What do we mean by shared transport?

You might already be familiar with shared transport (or shared mobility as it's sometimes called) - one form of it is renting a car, van or cycle for a fixed period of time. Shared transport can also include on-street cycle or scooter hire schemes. which are increasingly found in cities. These schemes are all based on hiring or renting from an organisation.

We are focussing on sharing travel resources between people, especially within local communities. It's also called peer-to-peer lending.

Examples include

  • sharing a journey / lift sharing
  • car sharing
  • car clubs
  • sharing EV charge points

We would like to know more about your views and experience of shared transport. This will help us develop the shared transport online platform with the best services, so that it is really useful for people in the area.

The survey should take between 5 and 15 minutes to complete.

Section B: Tell us a little about yourself:


Section C: Your approach to sharing generally


Section D: Your approach to shared transport generally


Referring to your answer to the previous question D1, please complete only the relevant next sections. You do not have to complete a section for an action you wouldn't do. 

Otherwise keep clicking 'next' at the bottom of each page until you reach a relevant section.

Otherwise keep clicking 'next' at the bottom of each page until you reach a relevant section.

Otherwise keep clicking 'next' at the bottom of each page until you reach a relevant section.

Otherwise keep clicking 'next' at the bottom of each page until you reach a relevant section.

Section E: Sharing an EV charge point

Only complete this section if you said you might SHARE AN EV CHARGEPOINT in Question D1, otherwise please press 'Next'.

At the moment, people perceive two main ways to charge an EV (electric vehicle) - at home or at a public charger.

There is another option, which is to rent a private charger installed on someone else's land, when they are not using it.


Section F:  Lift Sharing

Only complete this section if you said you might SHARE A LIFT in question D1, otherwise please press 'Next'.

Lift sharing involves offering or getting a lift with someone else, with a possible contribution to cover the costs.


Section G: Hiring Out Your Vehicle to Someone Else (Peer to Peer Sharing)

This section explores your views on hiring out your vehicle to someone else.

Only complete this section if you said you might hire out your vehicle to someone else in Question D1, otherwise please press 'Next'.


Section H: Renting Someone Else's Vehicle (Peer to Peer Sharing)

This section explores your views on renting someone else's vehicle.

Only complete this section if you said you might rent someone else's vehicle in question D1, otherwise please press 'Next'.


Thank you very much for your time! Please click 'Next' to submit your answers.

This information will greatly help to understand attitudes and approaches to shared transport in the area, and what needs to be done to encourage it. A summary of recommendations will inform further developments of the Moving Together online platform, and the services it recommends.

Keep a look out for a summary of the results on the HVCA Travelling Light site.

If you have any further comments on shared transport, do email us at travelgroup@hopevalleyclimateaction.org.uk, or engage in the chat on survey responses here on Commonplace.

If you wish to share EV chargers, please consider CoCharger.

If you wish to offer or find lifts, please look at Kinto Join (use link from a mobile phone).

If you are interested in sharing vehicles, please consider Hiyacar.

If you are in Buxton, and want to use Enterprise Car Club's vehicles, please see here.

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